Nursing & Midwifery Council’s (UK) temporary register is inviting nurses from all over the world. Most of the applicants are from India and Philippines. NMC has created the temporary register in March 2020 to support the COVID-19 healthcare load.
Overseas nurses who have completed all parts of registration process except the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) can join the register as per the NMC emergency legislation statements.
A dedicated Director of International recruitment, Duncan Burton is coordinating the efforts globally. As per the latest report, 30 Indian nurses reached UK this week.

Earlier this month, a group of nurses from Kerala joined a hospital in Yorkshire, England.

As per the legislation, nurses who left the NMC register between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2020 can also join the temporary register.
With the target of hiring 41% more overseas nurses that count to approx 50,000, every few days the arrival of nurses is an excitement for the top leadership in the NHS.
Although criticism on the social media is deep in nature, one of the nurse’s tweet showing concerns about existing nurses leaving the register and hiring of international nurses without addressing the issues of them.
There’s serious ethical questions about mass recruitment of international nurses and international recruitment doesn’t address why so many Registered Nurses leave the NHS & the profession in the UK. #NurseTwitter
— Lou Cahill, RN (@Cahill_Lou) September 15, 2020
Temporary register is closing soon and NHS is helping the new comers to get permanent registration to practice under the categories of registered nurse, midwife and associates.