Rahul Gandhi Talks to Nurses

Indian nurses from around the world were invited by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to the National Medical Day on Wednesday to talk about the COVID 19 crisis. The discussion focused on how the experience of nurses can help combat the disease.

Narendra Singh, who works in Australia’s New South Wales, said: “When we saw the news from Italy that the death toll was rising, we thought it was not flu, it was serious. When the Covid 19 started, we initially thought it was a simple flu, but when it rolled in, we didn’t take it seriously. We thought more people were dying from flu in Coviden than from this flu.

Indian-born nurse Anu Ragnat, who works in New Zealand, said Prime Minister Jacinda Arden’s motto was “Going hard and going early.

Vipin Krishnan, who works as a nurse in a private hospital in New York City, one of India’s largest cities, said: “There is a huge gap between private hospitals and public hospitals in India and New Zealand. Krishna belongs to Kerala and was infected with Covid 19.

Nurses also spoke today about the lessons they have learned from the Covid 19 crisis. Almost all emphasized the need to wear appropriate PPE kits, adding that there was a need for appropriate training for doctors and nurses in infectious diseases.

Complete interaction in on the official page of Rahul Gandhi


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