A nurse at Mayo hospital, Nagpur, named Sudarshana Thorat who worked in the Covid-19 ward saving lives of critical patients was shook to her core when she found her husband Pravin dead due to the malfunction of ventilators as a result of a power cut.
Sudarshana, her two children of age 12 and 2 and her husband were tested positive for Covid-19 around Mid-August and his husband was terminally ill amongst them all.
As the power snapped at the ICU, everyone including the staff member and Sudarshana herself were dumbfounded about it and when the power was back Sudarshana had already suffered a great loss. According to Sudarshana, her husband was detected of having symptoms since August 14 but owing to some complications about his reports he was finally tested positive on August 28.

The hospital exclaimed that they had a backup power system and according to the sources the power was snapped for hardly 10-12 minutes. The hospital also corrected that Pravin was critically ill and his condition was not getting better which was the sole reason for his death.
MSEDCL, an electric distributor, also emphasized that no ‘faults’ were spotted at their power sub-station even when the system was verified.