Indian Nursing Council Issues Regulations for Nurse Practitioner in Midwifery (NPM) Educator Program: Transformative Changes in Midwifery Education

Explore the Indian Nursing Council's game-changing regulations for NPM Educators, signaling a transformative wave in midwifery education

The Indian Nursing Council has rolled out comprehensive regulations for the much-anticipated Nurse Practitioner in Midwifery (NPM) Educator Program, set to revolutionize midwifery education across the nation. These regulations, slated to be effective upon official publication in the Gazette of India, signify a crucial step toward advancing the skills and expertise of registered nurses aspiring to take on pivotal roles as NPM educators. The guidelines are titled as the ‘Indian Nursing Council Nurse Practitioner in Midwifery (NPM) Educator Program, Regulations, 2023’

Empowering Nurses for the Future

The essence of this initiative lies in the belief that registered nurses require additional education and training to thrive as nurse practitioners in midwifery. With the healthcare landscape constantly evolving, nurses are stepping into expanded roles, and the program aims to keep them ahead of the curve. The Council envisions NPM educators who are not just proficient but trained to international standards, capable of ushering in transformative changes in midwifery services.

Competency-Based Training and Transformative Learning

At the heart of the program is a commitment to competency-based training, focusing on ‘women-centered and respectful care.’ This approach seeks to foster a conducive environment for strong student-teacher relationships, effective communication, and a nuanced understanding of power dynamics. The end goal is to produce NPM educators equipped with knowledge, skills, and behaviors rooted in evidence-based practices, ready to work independently or collaboratively within inter-professional teams.

Core Values and Maternity Care Priorities

The program is grounded in core values, including compassion, respect, woman-centeredness, equity, collaboration, ethical practice, and moral courage. These values serve as the bedrock for developing midwives dedicated to ensuring positive childbirth experiences for all women.

Maternity care priorities woven into the curriculum address critical areas such as improving care for vulnerable populations, reducing maternal and newborn mortality, managing emergency care effectively, addressing human rights and gender-based violence, and promoting midwifery-led care while humanizing and de-medicalizing birth.

A Visionary Curriculum and Impactful Objectives

At its core, the curriculum embraces a conceptual model that places relationships, particularly those between women/newborns and educators/students, as pivotal elements. The program aims to equip educators who will champion a positive childbirth experience in India, employing a transformative, competency-based experiential learning approach.

The objectives of the program are ambitious, ranging from providing transformational education and leadership to demonstrating the achievement of WHO Midwifery Educator Competencies and adhering to ICM Essential Competencies for Midwifery Practice. The ultimate aim is to have graduates role model skilled, woman-centered, compassionate midwifery care.

Qualities and Scope of Practice of NPM Educators

Graduates are envisioned as educators, leaders, and practitioners of midwifery with a deep understanding of the field’s role in primary healthcare. Upholding values such as woman-centered care, student-centered teaching, equity, justice, human and reproductive rights, and compassion are deemed foundational. The scope of practice for NPM educators spans certification, registration, and active involvement in midwifery practice across various settings, including midwife-led care units.

Competencies and Future Outlook

The Council has adapted WHO Core Competencies for Midwifery Educators, tailoring them to the NPM program’s unique needs. Covering ethical and legal principles, midwifery practice, theoretical learning, clinical teaching, assessment and evaluation, organization and management, communication and advocacy, and research, these competencies aim to ensure that NPM educators not only possess the necessary skills and knowledge but also function as effective communicators, leaders, advocates, and contributors to the field’s research and development.

The successful completion of this program is expected to have a profound impact on midwifery education and practice in India, ushering in a new era of skilled, compassionate, and transformative care for women and their families. This marks a pivotal moment in the journey toward elevating healthcare standards and empowering nurses to meet the evolving needs of the Indian healthcare landscape.



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