Kolkata is now facing a new and greater threat as around 600 nurses who were working in private hospitals have terminated their work. This all started from a month before Durga Puja, around September, when public hospitals introduced vacancy for the medical staff. The nurses then started pulling out of the private sector and indulging in the public sector. This has now created a major mess at the extreme point of the corona pandemic.
During this covid period, most of the medical staff also got infected and due to this, these medical workers are automatically out of the workforce. According to the WHO report, around 14% of global cases are medical health care workers.

Nursing News India already predicted and cited reasons for the exodus in an article published on 20 October.
RIICS (RN Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences) also faced similar kinds of problems. To counter this problem, the institute is already recruiting 5-7 nurses daily. Around 75 nurses have left and some of them worked in ICU in the past month. RIICS, to meet the new lack, also modified its training.
Prashant Sharma, MD of Charnock hospital, said that the hospital faced a severe crisis and was lacking nurses in the hospital. He mentioned that highly trained and skilled nurses for the ICU and they are facing troubles in keeping up with it.
Rupak Barua, CEO of AMRI Hospital, said that the hospital has been compelled to enlist nurture and arrange rushed preparation for them. Twenty attendants with 3-4 years of involvement have been prepared for ICU obligation. They are recruiting the nurses with at least some experience for the ICU but the freshers cannot be conveyed for basic consideration obligation straight away. So they are given duties at wards. He also added that nurses are being made work for longer hours to meet ICU protocols.
According to the CEO of Peerless Hospital, Sudipta Mitra, in few medical clinics, ICU administrations have been genuinely influenced since the time the mass migration started last September. A lion’s share of the individuals who have stopped is experienced and was working at the ICUs. He also mentioned that the Peerless Hospital has been enrolling tenderfoots yet they can’t supplant prepared ICU staff. Due to this, they have been compelled to convey seniors who were on administrative obligation yet there is as yet a deficiency that is influencing the nature of ICU care. Unequaled, currently the hospital has 12-13 medical attendants for every move for its 21 ITU patients. The administration rule says each basic consideration patient ought to have a committed medical attendant.
“With Covid ICUs staying full and the number of basic patients climbing, it has gotten to have the most ideal medical services staff working”, said clinics. Mitra also said that, however, not many of us are having the option to do that because of this emergency. The hospital is not just working the Covid ICU with fewer medical attendants however with the individuals who are not yet prepared for it. Coronavirus patients should be checked nonstop and medical caretakers need to help specialists in doing that. As of now, our primary care physicians are being compelled to do the checking also for they can’t depend on unpracticed medical caretakers.
R Venkatesh, zonal chief, recently said in the interview that this year, the strain has expanded further as attendants are leaving for home states and government postings. Getting prepared ICU medical attendants has been a lasting issue which the hospitals constantly attempt to moderate with inner preparing and acceleration. He said, “we are preparing medical attendants with some experience to be utilized in ICUs. We have increased our inside preparing frameworks to guarantee persistent consideration isn’t hampered.”