According to sources, nurses are facing a number of hurdles, complications throughout the country that too in the wake of the coronavirus. Similar incidents were reported in Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), Hyderabad where staff nurses have decided to walk out on November 7.
After going through a lot of troubles and no response from the concerned authorities staff nurses at NIMS, Panjagutta unanimously has decided to go on a strike and boycott duties from November 7. The rationale behind the strike was stated as the non-fulfillment of their long unresolved demands. The notice of strike was issued by NIMS Nurses Union and was put on Director’s table on 23 October.

Not only strike, but the Union has also marked that they will organize lunch-hour demonstrations with sporting black badges every day from October 24 onwards. Their demands are reasonable and up to to the point which includes:-
- Payment of Covid-19 incentive
- Payment of Modified Assured Career Progression arrears
- Payment of EL encashment for the previous year
- Conversion of EPF to GPF
- Promotion of staff nurses
Some of these are arrear since 2018.
Bharat Biotech’s vaccine – ‘Covaxin’ which has been approved recently for the third phase clinical trials, has set the NIMS, Hyderabad as one of the 19 institutions for human trials. Covaxin has shown promising results and has paved the way to Phase-3. The strike announced by the Nurses Union in NIMS may create chaos and make situations complicated if the authorities do not find solutions for the issues faces by the nurse’s staff.
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Fictitious promises which may seem common in politics have now made their way in this regard also. According to General Secretary S. Vijaya Kumari, President S. Asha Latha, Vice-presidents Y. Elizabeth Rani, P. Rani, G. Punyavathi, the administration had assured on October 7 to accomplish their demands by October 15. Further, it was delayed till October 23 but to no avail. Hence, the nurses were left with no option but to protest against the faulty authorities.