National Nursing and Midwifery Commission (NNMC) will create multiple nursing boards as per the proposed bill draft released on 5th Nov 2020. These nursing boards will be named as
- UG Education Board: For Undergraduate education related functions.
- PG Education Board: For Post Graduate education related functions.
- Assessment and Rating Board: For rating and assessment of nursing institutions, inspection of agencies.
- Ethics and Registration Board: To maintain register, approve or reject nursing registration, regulate professional conduct, promote nursing ethics.
Below are the FAQs related to the National Nursing and Midwifery Boards:
How the Nursing Boards will be created?
Each Independent Board will have a President as its member (nursing and midwifery professional only). The other constituents are two full time members. and the third is, 4 part time members
What are the terms and condition of services of President and Members?
The first two will be holding office for 4 years and the third one for 2 years maximum.
Is there any other parts of the Nursing Boards?
Yes, there will be an Advisory Committees of Experts where board members has power to create committees of experts as an when required
Who will be the staff of the Nursing Boards?
Experts, consultants, professionals, officers and other employees appointed under section 8
What are the powers of the Autonomous Boards?
- The President has the administrative and financial powers delegated by the Commission for optimum functioning.
- The President may delegate any of her/his powers to a Member or an officer of that Board.
What is the last date to submit the comments?
Last date is 6 Dec, 2020
Where to send the comments for NNMC Bill?
Comments can be sent to email of NNMC Bill-Ministry of Health at:
More information and summary, please read the article National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Bill, 2020 Ready for Public Comments