The nursing community is facing great injustice in Zimbabwe. ICN commented on the matter two days back. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is gravely perturbed about the circumstances and situations being faced by the medical attendants. This came in between when they are battling the Coronavirus pandemic. Zimbabwe’s Health Board Services have taken out more than 1,000 medical attendants from their compensation sheets and are establishing disciplinary hearings. This action was taken by authorities because of the protests led by nurses and disagreement between the two parties.
ICN CEO, Howard Catton, recently explained the importance of nursing staff during this hard time. According to him right now, everything should be done to hold the important nursing staff in the positions they love doing. They should also encourage young generations to make their careers in the medical field. ICN with nurses all over the world stands with nursing staff in Zimbabwe. We trust in expedient solutions to the current issues and getting back to ordinary relations and working practices at the earliest opportunity.

ICN accepts that medical attendants reserve the option to sort out, to deal on the whole, and to make a modern move. It likewise anticipates that medical attendants should have impartial compensation and respectable working conditions, including a sheltered climate. During the COVID-19 pandemic, ICN keeps on upholding the assurance and prioritization of medical caretakers.
President of ZINA (Zimbabwe Nurses Association), Enoch Dongo, updated ICN about the issues. He said that they are at an intersection. This is the first time when these workers are at a great threat. We are battling and tormented to comprehend why the administration would do this to its representatives. During this time every one of the staff members is suffering genuine challenges to make sure they can come to work. The medical staff has been educated concerning the legal choices and are now looking for guidelines from our individuals concerning how they would need us to continue. Mr. Dongo has also shown grief about saying that medical caretakers’ compensations are low to such an extent that some can’t manage the cost of food or transport to work.
ICN is in customary contact with the Zimbabwe Medical attendants Affiliation (ZINA). ICN communicated its help to the affiliation and its numerous individuals. ICN hosts asked all gatherings to regard the arrangement and investigate choices to discover a commonly pleasant arrangement.
ICN President Annette Kennedy wrote about our interests and called for arrangements to concur on a route forward to Zimbabwe president. Presently we are repeating our stresses over what is by all accounts an inexorably grave circumstance, with medical attendants having their compensation retained and being exposed to disciplinary techniques.
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The State of the World’s Nursing report discussed the lack of nurses which is around 60,00,000 (six million). It features about the need to select and hold attendants so as to meet current and future requirements. Interest in the nursing calling is imperative to the strength of populaces and useful for economies. Nurses are the substratum of readiness and base of a strong health force.