BLS, three simple letters, but can save millions of lives every year. BLS standing for Basic Life Support is the foundation to take care of victims of strokes, congestive heart failure, or any life-threatening disease or injury. BLS can be performed by anyone especially qualified bystanders, medical personnel before the victim is taken to the hospital for proper medical care.
World Health Report states that nearly 15 million people go through heart diseases including strokes globally within a year. Out of them, one-third lose their lives at the moment and one-third suffer from permanent disabilities. Living in the 21st century, people are full of stress and tense, BLS requires a global response at the earliest.

According to the neurologists, the effects of stroke can be reversed if the stroke is recognized, diagnosed, and getting the victim medically cared for within 3 hours. The stroke can be easily identified by the three simple letters ‘STR’:-
S – Ask the individual to Smile
T – Talk to the person. Ask him to say a simple sentence eg. ” Today is Monday.”
R – Ask him to Raise both the hands
The Trained Nurses Association of India is considered one of the best providers of the BLS course. It aims at saving the victim after he suffers from a heart attack. The course includes one-day training, several tests, video sessions with the technique used on mannequins. The main objective of the course is to recognize the symptoms of stroke, step by step technique for high-quality Cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR), and the use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Candidates who successfully pass the tests and complete the theory course are issued BLS provider cards. It also provides an ACLS course ( Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) at nominal fees. TNAI also gives the manual to candidates for the same.
If the individual fails to do any of the tasks ask for medical help immediately.
Due to modern and hectic lifestyles with a lot of junk food has increased the risks of heart diseases at a breathtaking pace. For every 10 people knowing BLS can save one life. So, Learn and save